Thanks to funding from ACoRP, the Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership (TVCRP) has commissioned Shane O'Leary MSc., BSc. of IMP Well Being to undertake training for our wonderful volunteers situated at the 14 stations of the Tyne Valley line which runs from Newcastle – Carlisle.
In September Shane will run a training workshop for Station Ambassadors which assists the volunteers to undertake walking and cycling audits to and from all the stations. The Station Ambassadors will be looking at ways in which rail travel can prompt messages of being active. Each station will be examined to look at the environments which surround the station to see if it supports or inhibits active and sustainable travel. This will allow the Ambassadors to assess the opportunities to improve the provision at stations and also allow the Ambassadors to meet and exchange ideas to make recommendations and improvements.
The findings from the audit will be used to create maps, to display at the stations and online, to inform prospective passengers of what is available to support active eco-friendly travel to and from the stations. This will also compliment the station survey update which is planned.
Hopefully this is the first stage of the ongoing practice to improve access to our stations and to present evidence of support to those who control the purse strings to make our stations accessible to all.
Notes to Editors.
The Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership is a not for profit limited company. TVCRP Officer is Fiona Forsythe who may be contacted on
IMP Well Being