Use the links to see Tyne Valley Railway timetables:
Tyne Valley Railway Timetable 15 December - 17 May 2025
Printed copies of the Tyne Valley Railway timetable are also vailable at stations and other outlets in the area.
You should be aware that timetables are subject to late changes so our advice is to check before travel - use the travel alerts links on the right
A multi route timetable is also available here showing train times for numerous routes to/from Carlisle and Hadrian's Wall Country
This provides train times for the following rail routes:
- Tyne Valley Railway
- Cumbrian Coast
- Furness Line
- Lakes Line
- Bentham Line
- Settle-Carlisle Railway - travel to/from Leeds
- West Coast Line - travel to/from Manchester, Manchester Airport, Preston, Glasgow, Edinburgh
The booklet also contains some useful information about Ranger and Rover tickets.
You can buy tickets at the ticket vending machines available at all the stations along the route, from staffed railway stations or from various outlets online.
Should the ticket vending machine be out of order, please explain the situation to the conductor on the train.
Northern have introduced a penalty for passengers on the Tyne Valley Railway and other routes who do not have a valid ticket or Promise to Pay Notice. More details are available on Northern's website.
Remember you can claim compensation under the Delay Repay Scheme operated by Northern and other train companies if you train is cancelled or if you arrive at your destination station late. Northern provide compensation for late arrivals of 15 minutes or more whilst other companies offer compensation when services arrive 30 minutes or more late.
Read the summaries below and click on the tiles to find out more about train times and travel information, buying tickets and railcards, local buses and other transport options. You can also read some of the frequently asked questions
You can travel to the Tyne Valley Railway by rail from stations throughout England, Wales and Scotland with connections at Carlisle and Newcastle from the East and West Coast Main Lines.
Once in the Tyne Valley area, you may wish to venture further. The AD122 bus calls at Haltwhistle and Hexham Railway stations and provides a daily service during the summer months to some of the wonderful Roman attractions and The Sill National Landscape Discovery Centre. More information about this bus service is available on Go NorthEast's website or download the AD122 bus timetable here.