The Old Booking Hall and Water Tower Cafe at Haltwhistle will be the venue for a series of events this year as we support the local community and join national events celebrating 200 years of railways.
Tickets for some events which include refrehments in the Water Tower are available - buy tickets in the Water Tower or online.
Friday, 21 February
The first in a series of fireside chats celebrating 200 years of railways
Come along to the Water Tower for a pre-talk meal then join Robert Forsythe in the Old Booking Hall for a talk about W H Auden. Tickets cost £9.50 include the meal and are on sale in the Water Tower or online
Sunday, 2 March 10am-12.30pm
Haltwhistle Community Shop will be holding their 2nd sale of 2025 in the Old Booking Hall.
Wednesday, 26 March
We are again opening the doors of the Old Booking Hall as part of the Tyne Valley Film Festival. This year we are taking bookings, which include refreshments in the Water Tower Cafe.
The featured film will be The Lady Vanishes, directed by the great Alfred Hithcock. A train journey full of mysetery and intrigue. This is another of our fireside chat events celebrating Railway 200. Come along enjoy a tasty meal, a great film and a chat.
Tickets are now on sale in the Water Tower and online
Friday, 28 March
Following the felling of the infamous tree at Sycamore Gap, celloist Riccardo Pes visited Hadrian's Wall and played a lament to the tree. He is returning to Haltwhistle to play in the Old Booking Hall. Tickets go on sale soon, which will include refreshments in the Water Tower Cafe.