TVCRP logo     

The Tyne Valley Railway

Helping everyone Explore the North sustainably by train   

Working with and for our local communities  

Community Rail Partnership Accreditation Logo

There are two main ares of accessibility help throughout this site:

Accessibility Options

Triggered by the accessibility key A e.g. Ctrl + Alt + A or clicking on the wheelchair icon in the page margin . This bring up the accessibility menu:

joomla 4 accessibility features

There are many options for the user to make use of here.

  • Increase Text Size – make text font size bigger
  • Decrease Text Size – make text font size smaller
  • Increase Text Spacing – add spacing between words and special characters
  • Decrease Text Spacing – remove spacing between words and special characters
  • Invert Colours – convert to contrast colors (especially helpful for night time work) – hot key combo to toggle this setting is Ctrl + Alt + I
  • Underline Links – add an underline to all clickable links and buttons – Ctrl + Alt + U
  • Big Cursor – enlarge cursor size – Ctrl + Alt + C
  • Reading Guide – add a black horizontal line to the page – Ctrl + Alt + R
  • Text to Speech – enable screen reading, click on text to hear text – Ctrl + Alt + T
  • Reset button in the upper-right corner of the menu
  • X in the upper-left corner icon to close menu

Skip Navigation

Triggered by the accessibility key 9 e.g. Ctrl + Alt + 9 or use of the TAB key then click on the collapsed Keyboard Navigation menu:

The resulting menu will permit navigation to ARIA landmarks such as Footer, Header, Menu, Main and Search plus an outline of the page using any heading level elements on the page e.g.

The expanded navigation menu

ARIA roles

The following ARIA landmark roles are used on this website as a minimum:

  • Aside. Any content in a sidebar in the main content area of the page. On this site it is always a right sidebar and is responssive to the size of your device where it may appear under the Main content.
  • Banner: The page header. A region that contains a header image and Site Tilte, rather than page-specific content;
  • ContentInfo: The page footer. A large perceivable region that contains information about the parent document. In this case the region is the page footer;
  • Main: The main content of a document;
  • Navigation: A collection of navigational elements ( links) for navigating the document or related documents.
  • Search: The search box for this websitre which appears on every page.


Most browsers support site-defined keyboard access for specified links. These are the access keys for this site:

(Courtesy of the Mozilla Foundation) The accesskey provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element.

The operation to activate the accesskey depends on browser and its platform.

Firefox Alt + Shift + key On Firefox 14 or newer, Control + Alt + key
On Firefox 13 or older, Control + key
Internet Explorer Alt + key N/A
Google Chrome Alt + key Control + Alt + key
Safari Alt + key N/A Control + Alt + key
Opera Shift + Esc opens a contents list which are accessible by accesskey, then, can choose an item by pressing key

Note that Firefox can customize the required modifier key by user's preferences.

To trigger accessibility accesskeys on this website:

With one exception (the feedback form - already utilised for keyboard navigation by Joomla) this site follows the UK Government standard on accesskey usage i.e.:

Access KeyFunction
0 Access key details (and other accessibility information about this website)
1 Home Page
2 Skip Navigation
3 Site map
4 Search
8 Terms and conditions
9 Shows the ARIA Navigation marks pop up menu to navigate the page.
a Shows the pop up menu for the site's accessibility features.
c Contact/Feeback form - non standard because of the alternative use of Accesskey 9
p Privacy Policy and Use of Cookies

Tab / Tabindex

There is limited use of tab keys for field ordering on this site and use depends on your browser.

No CSS Stylesheet?

The site will still present without CSS styling enabled and there are jump links to aid navigation. The jump links also appear in the accessibility bar if CSS is enabled.

Images and Slideshows

Single images have alt captions wherever possible to aid with accessibility. Slideshows may not have this functionality but a general description for the slideshow will be provided by a link or title.

Links and iframes

Each link and iframe should each have a title to aid their accessibility.